"Tetapi kamu tidaklah demikian, melainkan yang terbesar di antara kamu hendaklah menjadi sebagai yang paling muda dan pemimpin sebagai pelayan."
Ini kisah Maulwi Saelan, salah satu mantan ajudan Bung Karno (BK). Suatu hari ia berbantah-bantahan dengan BK. "Kalau marah, mata Bung Karno merah. Ia langsung masuk kamar, " katanya. Tak lama kemudian BK keluar kamar dan memanggil Maulwi. "Komm je hier maar (Kemarilah kamu), " kata BK. "Mampus, saya pasti dipecat, " pikir Maulwi. Apa yang terjadi? "Kamu benar, maafkan saya, "kata BK meminta maaf pada Maulwi.
Mengakui kesalahan dan meminta maaf bukanlah perkara yang mudah untuk dilakukan, terlebih jika yang bersalah itu seorang pemimpin. Seperti para murid Yesus, kebanyakan kita mengaitkan kepemimpinan dengan kedudukan terhormat, kekuasaan besar, dan kekebalan terhadap kesalahan. "Peraturan pertama: Bos tidak pernah salah. Peraturan kedua: Jika bos salah, lihat peraturan pertama, " kata sebuah guyon.
Yesus menjungkirbalikkan pandangan itu. Dia menakar kebesaran seorang pemimpin menurut kerendahan hati dan kesediaannya untuk melayani. Orang yang rendah hati tidak akan bersikap membenarkan diri. Ia menyadari dirinya toh masih manusia yang mungkin saja khilaf. Ia akan menjalankan tanggung jawab kepemimpinannya dengan mengandalkan bimbingan Tuhan dan tidak menutup diri terhadap masukan dan koreksi dari sesama. Kesediaan untuk meminta maaf ketika melakukan kesalahan, dengan demikian, menandakan kebesaran hati si pemimpin.
Dalam taraf tertentu, kepada kita masing-masing dipercayakan kepemimpinan. Apakah kita rendah hati dan mau melayani?
This story Saelan Maulwi, one former aide Bung Karno (BK). One day he was arguing with BK. "When angry, red-eye Bung Karno. He immediately entered the room," he said. Shortly thereafter BK out of the room and call Maulwi. "Komm hier je maar (Come on you)," said BK. "Death, I would have fired," thought Maulwi. What happened? "You're right, I'm sorry," said BK apologized on Maulwi.
Admitting mistakes and apologizing is not an easy matter to do, especially if the fault was a leader. As disciples of Jesus, most of us associate leadership with a respectable position, great power, and immunity to error. "The first rule: The boss is never wrong. Rule two: If the boss is wrong, refer to rule first," said a joking.
Jesus overturning the view. She measure the greatness of a leader by humility and willingness to serve. People who humble themselves will not be confirmed. He realized he was: a human who might err. He will assume the responsibilities of leadership by relying on God's guidance and do not shut themselves off from the input and correction of others. Willingness to apologize when making mistakes, thus, indicating the magnanimity of the leader.
** Scripture: Luke 22:26 **
"But ye shall not be so, but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he that is chief, as he that doth serve"
"But ye shall not be so, but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he that is chief, as he that doth serve"
This story Saelan Maulwi, one former aide Bung Karno (BK). One day he was arguing with BK. "When angry, red-eye Bung Karno. He immediately entered the room," he said. Shortly thereafter BK out of the room and call Maulwi. "Komm hier je maar (Come on you)," said BK. "Death, I would have fired," thought Maulwi. What happened? "You're right, I'm sorry," said BK apologized on Maulwi.
Admitting mistakes and apologizing is not an easy matter to do, especially if the fault was a leader. As disciples of Jesus, most of us associate leadership with a respectable position, great power, and immunity to error. "The first rule: The boss is never wrong. Rule two: If the boss is wrong, refer to rule first," said a joking.
Jesus overturning the view. She measure the greatness of a leader by humility and willingness to serve. People who humble themselves will not be confirmed. He realized he was: a human who might err. He will assume the responsibilities of leadership by relying on God's guidance and do not shut themselves off from the input and correction of others. Willingness to apologize when making mistakes, thus, indicating the magnanimity of the leader.
In a certain extent, we are each entrusted with leadership. Are we humble and willing to serve?
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