** Firman Tuhan: Ayub 12:9, 21 **
"Siapa di antara semuanya itu yang tidak tahu, bahwa tangan Allah yang melakukan itu; ... Dia yang ... melepaskan ikat pinggang orang kuat ..."
Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika melihat orang cacat? Kasihan? Merasa ia tak bisa apa-apa? Carilah informasi tentang Natalia Partyka, Oscar Pistorius, Ni Nengah Widianingsih, dan Agus Ngaimin, atlet-atlet cacat dengan prestasi kelas dunia. Nick Vujicic dan Judy Siegle, jutaan orang diinspirasi oleh mereka. Bacalah kisah nyata tentang Joni Eareckson Tada, yang memberdayakan jutaan orang melalui pelayanan Joni and Friends. Tepatlah jika istilah disabled person (orang yang tak punya kemampuan) diganti dengan istilah differently-abled person (orang dengan kemampuan yang berbeda) atau disingkat diffable.
Entah itu cacat bawaan maupun akibat kecelakaan, sulit memahami maksud Allah mengizinkannya. Seperti Ayub, mereka tentu bertanya-tanya mengapa Allah membiarkan hal buruk menimpa. Walaupun tak paham, Ayub mengakui bahwa Allah berhak untuk bertindak menurut pertimbangan-Nya yang mahabijak (Ayub 12:13). Adakalanya itu berarti memberikan kemenangan (Ayub 12:16), adakalanya itu berarti mengizinkan kegagalan (Ayub 12:17-25) Namun, Dia layak dihormati karena Dia Allah, bukan karena situasi yang dialami manusia.
Belajar dari Ayub, Joni bertekad bahwa sesulit apa pun hari-harinya sebagai penyandang cacat, ia akan selalu mengasihi Allah dan membuat Allah dihormati tiap orang yang berinteraksi dengannya. Di Hari Difabel Internasional ini, mari mendoakan para penyandang cacat agar memiliki perspektif dan sikap serupa. Jika kita mengenal beberapa di antara mereka, pikirkanlah tindakan praktis apa yang dapat kita lakukan untuk menjadi saluran kasih Kristus bagi mereka.
** Scripture: Job 12:9, 21 **
"Who among all these does not know that the hand of God has done this, ... She is ... release the strong belt ..."
"Who among all these does not know that the hand of God has done this, ... She is ... release the strong belt ..."
What do you think of when looking at the disabled? Pity? Feels he can not do anything? Look for information about Natalia Partyka, Oscar Pistorius, Ni Nengah Widianingsih, and Agus Ngaimin, handicapped athletes with world-class performance. Nick Vujicic and Judy Siegle, millions of people are inspired by them. Read the true story of Joni Eareckson Tada, who empowers millions of people through the ministry of Joni and Friends. Fitting if the term disabled person (people who do not have the ability) is replaced by the term differently-abled person (people with different abilities) or abbreviated diffable.
Whether it's a congenital defect or a result of an accident, it is difficult to understand the purpose God permits. Like Job, they would wonder why God allows bad things befall. Although not understand, Job acknowledges that God has the right to act according to his judgment-wise (Job 12:13). Sometimes that means giving victory (Job 12:16), sometimes it means allowing failure (Job 12:17-25) However, He deserves respect for him God, not because of the situation of human experience.
Learn from Job, Joni was determined that no matter how difficult his days as disabled, he will always love God and make God respected each person who interacts with it. In this International Day of Persons with Disabilities, let's pray for people with disabilities to have the same perspective and attitude. If we know some of them, think about what practical measures can we take to be a channel of Christ's love for them.
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