"Tetapi Saul berkata
kepada Daud: "Tidak mungkin engkau dapat menghadapi orang Filistin itu
untuk melawan dia, sebab engkau masih muda, sedang dia sejak dari masa
mudanya telah menjadi prajurit."
pertempuran Daud melawan Goliat bukan sesuatu yang baru bagi mayoritas
orang Kristen. Kebanyakan orang tentu sudah mendengar kisah kehebatan
Daud, yang mengalahkan jagoan Filistin itu dalam hitungan detik. Kisah
kepahlawanan Daud pun menempati daftar teratas dalam kisah-kisah Alkitab
yang saya sukai. Sosok yang masih muda, sempat diremehkan oleh
saudara-saudaranya, termasuk diremehkan oleh raja Saul, tetapi semuanya
itu tak mengurungkan niat Daud untuk maju ke medan pertempuran.
mungkin engkau dapat menghadapi orang Filistin itu untuk melawan dia."
Perkataan ini meluncur dari mulut Saul, raja Israel saat itu. Perkataan
yang segera disusul dengan pernyataan Saul bahwa pengalaman Goliat jauh
lebih unggul dari anak Isai itu. Namun, perkataan Saul tak melemahkan
iman Daud. Ia segera bersaksi mengenai pengalaman pribadinya ketika
menggembalakan kambing domba milik ayahnya. Daud pun menutup percakapan
hari itu dengan keyakinan akan penyertaan Allah (1 Samuel 17:37). Saul yang tak
lagi punya alas an untuk melemahkan semangat Daud, akhirnya hanya bisa
berkata, "Pergilah! Tuhan menyertai engkau."
tak enak jika ada orang meremehkan atau kurang yakin dengan kemampuan
kita. Perkataan "tidak mungkin" berpotensi melemahkan keyakinan,
pengharapan, bahkan iman kita. Apalagi ketika perkataan tersebut
disampaikan oleh orang-orang yang dekat dengan kita.
Dalam kondisi
demikian, kita perlu tetap memandang
kepada Allah dan meyakini
** Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:33 **
"And Saul said to David, Thou art not able to go against this Philistine
to fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from
his youth."
The story of David and Goliath battle is not something new for the majority of Christians. Most people have heard the story of the greatness of David, who defeated the Philistine hero in a matter of seconds. Epic David also occupy the top list in the stories of the Bible that I like. A figure that is still young, was underestimated by his brothers, including underrated by King Saul, but all it did not deter David to go forward into battle.
"No way you can deal Philistine to fight him." These words out of his mouth Saul, king of Israel at that time. Words were immediately followed by the statement Saul that Goliath experience far superior to the son of Jesse. However, the words of Saul did not weaken the faith of David. He immediately testify about his personal experience when tending the flock of his father. David was closed conversation that day with confidence in the presence of God (1 Samuel 17:37). Saul, who no longer have a reason to weaken the spirit of David, finally could say, "Go! The Lord is with you."
It's not bad if people underestimate or less confident with our ability. The word "impossible" has the potential to weaken the faith, hope, even our faith. Especially when those words delivered by people who are close to us.
The story of David and Goliath battle is not something new for the majority of Christians. Most people have heard the story of the greatness of David, who defeated the Philistine hero in a matter of seconds. Epic David also occupy the top list in the stories of the Bible that I like. A figure that is still young, was underestimated by his brothers, including underrated by King Saul, but all it did not deter David to go forward into battle.
"No way you can deal Philistine to fight him." These words out of his mouth Saul, king of Israel at that time. Words were immediately followed by the statement Saul that Goliath experience far superior to the son of Jesse. However, the words of Saul did not weaken the faith of David. He immediately testify about his personal experience when tending the flock of his father. David was closed conversation that day with confidence in the presence of God (1 Samuel 17:37). Saul, who no longer have a reason to weaken the spirit of David, finally could say, "Go! The Lord is with you."
It's not bad if people underestimate or less confident with our ability. The word "impossible" has the potential to weaken the faith, hope, even our faith. Especially when those words delivered by people who are close to us.
In such circumstances, we need to keep looking to God
and believe in His inclusion.
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