** Firman Tuhan: Mazmur 5:4 **
"TUHAN, pada waktu pagi Engkau mendengar seruanku, pada waktu pagi aku mengatur persembahan bagi-Mu, dan aku menunggu-nunggu."
Sebelum mengawali kegiatan rutin harian, saya meluangkan waktu beberapa menit untuk bersaat teduh, membaca firman Tuhan, dan berdoa secara pribadi. Dimulai dengan doa ucapan syukur, membaca firman Tuhan, dan dilanjutkan dengan doa permohonan pribadi serta doa syafaat. Momen ini sangat berharga karena memungkinkan saya bebas berbicara kepada Tuhan. Mengungkapkan segala keinginan dan memohon petunjuk agar Tuhan menunjukkan jalan terbaik dalam melakukan aktivitas harian. Menjalaninya sekian lama, saya merasa ada sesuatu yang kurang bila pada pagi hari tidak melakukannya.
Pemazmur mengawali doa pagi dengan mengatur persembahan bagi Tuhan (Mazmur 5:4). Tindakan ini dilakukan sebagai bentuk ucapan syukur atas perlindungan yang Tuhan berikan (Mazmur 5:12-13), yang membuat pemazmur bersukacita (Mazmur 5:12). Pemazmur tidak hidup sembrono, namun berupaya mengamalkan kebenaran. Ia menjauhi kejahatan, penipuan, dan penumpahan darah (Mazmur 5:6-7). Daud menyadari, ia mampu melakukannya karena Tuhan memberkati dan memagarinya dengan anugerah-Nya sebagaimana perisai melindungi seseorang dari senjata lawan (Mazmur 5:13).
Pemazmur menjalin komunikasi yang intim dengan Tuhan. Ketika berkomunikasi dengan Tuhan, kita leluasa untuk mengungkapkan keinginan hati kita. Semakin sering kita berkomunikasi dengan Tuhan, semakin paham kita akan kehendak Tuhan bagi kehidupan kita. Dan oleh limpahan anugerah-Nya, kita akan dimampukan untuk melakukan kehendak-Nya tersebut dalam hidup kita.
Before you begin your daily routine, I take a few minutes for quiet time, reading the word of God, and pray in private. Starting with a thanksgiving prayer, reading the word of God, and continued with personal supplication and intercession. This moment is very valuable because it allows me to speak freely to God. Reveal the desires and ask God to guide shows the best way to carry out daily activities. Live so long, I felt there was something missing when it did not do it in the morning.
The psalmist begins with a morning prayer prepare a sacrifice for the Lord (Psalm 5:4). This action is done as a form of thanksgiving for the protection that God gives (Psalm 5:12-13), which makes the psalmist rejoicing (Psalm 5:12). The psalmist does not live recklessly, but seeks worketh righteousness. He shuns evil, deception, and the shedding of blood (Psalm 5:6-7). David realized, he was able to do it because God blessed and wise to line by his grace as a shield to protect a person from the opponent weapon (Psalm 5:13).
Psalmist establish intimate communication with God. When communicating with God, we are free to express our heart's desire. The more often we communicate with God, the more we understand God's will for our lives. And by the abundance of His grace, we will be enabled to do His will is in our lives.
** Scripture: Psalm 5:4 **
"Lord, in the morning you hear my voice, in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you, and I'm waiting for."
"Lord, in the morning you hear my voice, in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you, and I'm waiting for."
Before you begin your daily routine, I take a few minutes for quiet time, reading the word of God, and pray in private. Starting with a thanksgiving prayer, reading the word of God, and continued with personal supplication and intercession. This moment is very valuable because it allows me to speak freely to God. Reveal the desires and ask God to guide shows the best way to carry out daily activities. Live so long, I felt there was something missing when it did not do it in the morning.
The psalmist begins with a morning prayer prepare a sacrifice for the Lord (Psalm 5:4). This action is done as a form of thanksgiving for the protection that God gives (Psalm 5:12-13), which makes the psalmist rejoicing (Psalm 5:12). The psalmist does not live recklessly, but seeks worketh righteousness. He shuns evil, deception, and the shedding of blood (Psalm 5:6-7). David realized, he was able to do it because God blessed and wise to line by his grace as a shield to protect a person from the opponent weapon (Psalm 5:13).
Psalmist establish intimate communication with God. When communicating with God, we are free to express our heart's desire. The more often we communicate with God, the more we understand God's will for our lives. And by the abundance of His grace, we will be enabled to do His will is in our lives.
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