** Firman Tuhan: Ibrani 11:33 **
"yang karena iman telah menaklukkan kerajaan-kerajaan, mengamalkan kebenaran, memperoleh apa yang dijanjikan, menutup mulut singa-singa."
Ada pendukung tim sepak bola yang dikenal dengan sebutan bonek, kependekan dari bondo (modal) nekat. Julukan yang jitu. Demi mendukung kesebelasan kesayangan, tidak jarang mereka hanya bermodalkan semangat plus kenekatan, tanpa atau dengan sedikit uang di saku. Masalahnya, kenekatan tersebut kadang harus dibayar mahal sampai mempertaruhkan nyawa.
Bondo nekat jelas berbeda dari bondo iman. Bukan hanya pengertiannya yang berbeda, hasilnya juga berbeda. Deretan nama tokoh iman yang kita baca hari ini bukanlah orang-orang yang bermodalkan semangat atau kenekatan belaka. Mereka punya iman! Tindakan mereka bukan terdorong oleh euforia, melainkan lahir karena iman, keyakinan akan keberadaan Allah yang berperan aktif dalam kehidupan mereka (ibr 6:6). Uraian panjang lebar dalam (ibr 6:33-35a) memperlihatkan sebagian hal-hal mengagumkan yang mereka alami. Pada titik tertentu, mereka juga mempertaruhkan nyawa mereka. Semua itu mereka lakukan bukan karena tergerak oleh fanatisme buta, melainkan karena menyadari bahwa mereka sedang mengamalkan kebenaran yang mereka yakini.
Iman tidak mengesampingkan logika atau perhitungan "di atas kertas". Tindakan iman bukan melawan logika, melainkan melampaui logika. Iman juga tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kebenaran firman Tuhan. Jika hari-hari ini kita sedang dihadapkan pada kondisi sulit atau perkara yang mustahil, ini waktunya untuk menghadapi semua itu dengan berbeda: dengan iman, dengan berpegang teguh pada kebenaran, bukan dengan sekadar nekat!
There are supporters of the football team, known as hooligans, short for bondo (capital) reckless. The nickname is apt. In order to support favorite teams, they often only with the spirit of recklessness plus, without or with little money in his pocket. The problem is, the recklessness sometimes be costly to risk your life.
The Faith Capital is clearly different from The Reckless Capital. Not just a different sense, the results are different. Rows name faith leaders that we read today are not the ones who capitalize spirit or sheer recklessness. They have faith! Their actions are not driven by euphoria, but rather born out of faith, belief in the existence of God is active in their lives (Heb 6:6). Description length in (Hebrew 6:33-35a) showing some awesome things they experienced. At some point, they are also risking their lives. All that they do is not moved by blind fanaticism, but because they are aware that they believed that worketh righteousness.
Faith does not rule logic or calculation "on paper". Act of faith is not against logic, but beyond logic. Faith can not be separated from the truth of God's word. If these days we are faced with the difficult conditions or things that are impossible, it's time to face it all differently: with faith, to hold fast to the truth, not just reckless!
** Scripture: Hebrews 11:33 **
"who through faith subdued kingdoms, worketh righteousness, gained what was promised, shut the mouths of lions."
"who through faith subdued kingdoms, worketh righteousness, gained what was promised, shut the mouths of lions."
There are supporters of the football team, known as hooligans, short for bondo (capital) reckless. The nickname is apt. In order to support favorite teams, they often only with the spirit of recklessness plus, without or with little money in his pocket. The problem is, the recklessness sometimes be costly to risk your life.
The Faith Capital is clearly different from The Reckless Capital. Not just a different sense, the results are different. Rows name faith leaders that we read today are not the ones who capitalize spirit or sheer recklessness. They have faith! Their actions are not driven by euphoria, but rather born out of faith, belief in the existence of God is active in their lives (Heb 6:6). Description length in (Hebrew 6:33-35a) showing some awesome things they experienced. At some point, they are also risking their lives. All that they do is not moved by blind fanaticism, but because they are aware that they believed that worketh righteousness.
Faith does not rule logic or calculation "on paper". Act of faith is not against logic, but beyond logic. Faith can not be separated from the truth of God's word. If these days we are faced with the difficult conditions or things that are impossible, it's time to face it all differently: with faith, to hold fast to the truth, not just reckless!
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