** Firman Tuhan: Matius 25:13 **
"Karena itu, berjaga-jagalah, sebab kamu tidak tahu akan hari maupun akan saatnya."

      Suatu kali, Washington Post mengingatkan tentang insiden tragis yg dialami kapal Titanic. Di ruang kendali, petugas sedang sibuk menjalankan tugasnya. Telepon berdering. Satu menit berlalu. Pada menit kedua, si petugas tak mau diganggu karena terlalu sibuk. Menit ketiga pun berlalu sangat cepat. Setelah si petugas selesai dengan tugasnya, barulah ia mengangkat telepon yg pesannya berbunyi, "Ini tempat pengintai pada haluan kapal. Gunung es persis di depan! Putar haluan!" Dengan cepat si petugas ke ruang kendali, tetapi terlambat! "Kebanggaan segala lautan" itu menabrak gunung es dan menewaskan 1.600 orang jiwa.

       Andai si petugas menanggapi telepon itu, mungkin film Titanic tak perlu dibuat. Tiga kesempatan dilewatkan & ketika hendak menanggapi panggilan itu, ia sudah terlambat! Hal yg sama kerap dilakukan banyak anak Tuhan saat mendengar suaraNya. Kebanyakan dari kita sebenarnya sudah mendengar jelas apa yg menjadi peringatan kehendak Tuhan, tetapi kerap kali kita meremehkan semuanya itu.

       Saudaraku, bila kesempatan itu ternyata merupakan yg terakhir, maka jika kita tidak serius menanggapinya, bisa2 kita pun akan "tenggelam". Firman Allah mengingatkan kita agar selalu berjaga2. Jika tidak demikian, bisa-bisa kita mengabaikan kesempatan yg Tuhan berikan, kesempatan untuk bertobat, untuk melakukan kehendakNya, untuk melayani-Nya, atau yg lain. Perbedaan nyata antara lima gadis bodoh lima gadis bijaksana dalam bacaan kita adalah bahwa yg bijaksana selalu berjaga-jaga (Matius 25:4), sementara yg bodoh terlambat menjaga minyaknya (Matius 25:3,10). Jangan terlambat! 


**  Scripture: Matthew 25: 13 ** 
"Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh."

       One time, the Washington Post reminded of the tragic incident that happened the Titanic. In the control room, the clerk was busy carrying out their duties. The phone rang. A minute passed. In the second minute, the clerk did not want to be disturbed because it was too busy. Three minutes went by very quickly. After the clerk finished his work, then he picked up the phone that the message reads, "This is a lookout on the bow of the ship. Iceberg right ahead! Play bow!" Quickly clerk to the control room, but too late! "The pride of all the oceans" it struck an iceberg, killing 1,600 people.

If the clerk respond to that call, perhaps the movie Titanic did not need to be made. Three missed opportunities & amp; when they wanted to respond to that call, it was too late! The same thing often performed many of God's children when she heard his voice. Most of us actually have heard clearly what God's will serve as a warning, but often we underestimate these things.

Brother, if the occasion turned out to be the last one, so if we do not take it seriously, we bisa2 will "sink". God's Word reminds us to always berjaga2. Otherwise, might we ignore the opportunity that God has given, the opportunity to repent, to do His will, to serve him, or else. The real difference between the five foolish virgins five wise virgins in our reading is that the wise who always guard (Matthew 25:4), while the late stupidly keep oil (Matthew 25:3,10). Do not be late!

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