** Firman Tuhan: 1 Raja-Raja 11:4 ** 
Sebab pada waktu Salomo sudah tua, istri-istrinya itu mencondongkan hatinya kepada allah-allah lain, sehingga ia tidak dengan sepenuh hati berpaut kepada TUHAN, Allahnya, seperti Daud, ayahnya." 

       Merawat sesuatu biasanya tidak mudah, seperti dialami kolektor tanaman hias langka berharga mahal. Begitu sayang kepada tanamannya, ia bisa menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam untuk merawatnya. Membersihkan daun, menyirami, memberikan pupuk, bahkan mengamati dengan teliti setiap lembar daun kalau-kalau ada hama, dilakukannya dengan tekun. "Tanaman-tanaman ini begitu berharga, sedikit saja kita lalai, tanaman itu bisa rusak!" ujarnya.

       Hati yang semula tulus tidak dijamin akan tulus terus seumur hidup bila tidak dirawat dengan baik oleh pemiliknya. Merawat hati memerlukan ketegasan untuk hidup berdasarkan prinsip firman Tuhan. 

       Salomo mungkin merasa yakin bahwa imannya tak akan goyah bila ia bergaul dan menikahi perempuan kafir. Bahkan, Salomo mungkin juga yakin bahwa dirinya yang akan memengaruhi istri-istrinya. Ternyata, ia keliru! Istri-istrinyalah yang memengaruhi dirinya. Salomo tidak sanggup mempertahankan ketulusan hatinya. Hatinya mulai condong kepada ilah lain setelah ia menjadi tua. Ia jatuh dalam dosa karena mengabaikan petunjuk Tuhan (Kel 34:16, UL 7:3-4).

       Firman Tuhan adalah terang dan pelita yang akan menerangi hati dan langkah kita. Tindakan mengabaikan firman-Nya adalah celah bagi Iblis untuk mencondongkan hati kita kepada dosa. Marilah membuang jauh-jauh pikiran bahwa diri kita begitu kuat dan kebal terhadap pengaruh dosa. 

Kehadiran firman Tuhan setiap harilah yang mampu menjaga 
dan merawat hati kita tetap benar di hadapan-Nya. 


**  Scripture: 1 Kings 11:4 **
 "For came it came to pass, when Salomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his father." 
       Caring something usually not easy, as experienced collectors of rare ornamental plants expensive. So dear to the plants, he could spend hours to take care of him. Cleaning the leaves, watering, provide fertilizer, even watching carefully every case leaves no pests, done diligently. "These plants are so precious, little we fail, the plant can be damaged!" he said.

Sincere heart which was originally not guaranteed to be genuine continue for a lifetime if not treated properly by their owners. Caring heart requires firmness to live by the principles of God's word.

Solomon may feel confident that his faith will not falter when he hangs out and marry unbelievers. In fact, Solomon may also believes that it would affect his wives. Apparently, he was wrong! Wife-his wife that affect him. Solomon could not maintain his sincerity. His heart began to gravitate to other gods after he became older. He fell into sin by ignoring the instructions of the Lord (Exodus 34:16, UL 7: 3-4).

The Word of God is the light and the light that will illuminate the hearts and move us. Act of disregard His word is a gap for Satan to incline our hearts to sin. Let's throw away the thought that we are so strong and immune to the effects of sin.

The presence of the word of God every day are able to keep
and taking care of our hearts right before Him.

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